I believe with my whole heart that we are meant to move past this *model of dominance and return to partnership. To me this comes into play in many ways, but the one I speak to here is how we support one another’s work in the world. One of my greatest intentions is to bring us together past our separations, our differences and our supposed competition and to re-create the Village in the way it applies to our modern lives. We all have something valuable to offer. We all carry potent medicine.
Below, in no particular order are links to good people doing good work in the world. I have experienced these particular humans directly and can offer their work to you with integrity. These are but a grain of sand on the great shoreline of our planet and the “work” mentioned here covers a variety of paths. Let us lift one another up. We are a community striving to reconnect and return to our great remembering. If you hold space where you can also share the work of others that inspire you, please consider doing so.
With great love and respect,
{{The descriptive words I have included below are but a sampling of these wisdom keepers. Please visit their online spaces to learn more about how they can serve you.}}
Red Moon Mystery School ~ {{Spirit Worker, Healer, Priestess}}
I have worked with Nikiah Seeds for many years and hold her in high regard as a trusted sister and teacher. She continues to be a valuable guide and inspiration to my life and my work in the world. She offers a beautiful and inclusive Priestess training through her Red Moon Mystery School as a way to step up and in to your own healing so that you can stand in greater integrity to serve others and yourself. She is the Creatrix of the Red Drum and offers many beautiful tools to serve your journey.
Anna Lovind ~ {{Writer, Creatrix, Teacher & Guide}}
Anna has completely transformed the way I hold space for my own creative work. Her dedication to her craft and the way she shows up in the world inspires countless women to follow suit. Anna’s program The Creative Doer, also a book of the same name, is full of priceless gems and sound advice. Her no-nonsense language around the practice of intersectional feminism encourages us to not only step outside of the box, but to knock down the walls. For anyone aspiring to put their creative work and their self tending forward in an intentional and meaningful way, I would recommend Anna again and again.
Kael Klassen and Liminal Roots ~ {{Medicine Woman, Healer, Conscious Creator}}
Kael carries great magic and taps into the soul essence of the medicine you need in the moment. She is a Shamanic Priestess and healer and medicine keeper of old ways and new. Please visit Kael to lean into your own medicine as she journeys for your healing and creates for you a medicine keeper of your own. Kael is the author of a soul stirring book of journey through poetry called, Honeycomb Heart and is also the creatrix of earthen altar pieces and sacred adornment by way of channeled jewelry. Her Spirit Animal Oracle has inspired many and her yoga nidra podcast (Liminal Roots) enriches lives on the daily. Kael’s offerings are always expanding and she may be just the guide you are looking for.
The Story Medicine ~ {{Master Storyteller, Ceremonialist, Craftswoman}}
Jessica is a channeler of great magic and wisdom and her medium is story. Her art is truly breathtaking and you can feel the essence in every piece she creates. She and her partner have collaborated to birth a powerful new Tarot Deck, The Story Medicine Tarot and are continuing their work to bring us a Tarot collection like no other! Jessica offers annual retreats for women to dive deep into their own stories while being supported in a rich container of tarot and sisterhood. Her mentorship, Watering Stories is sought after and always full as it continues to enrich the lives of women. Please visit her site to learn about her work in the world, as well as her shop full of devotional goodness, “Our Lady of Kelp”. This woman is M E D I C I N E.
David D. Charles ~ {{Business Consultant/Magician}}
David helps to bring clarity and ingenuity to your purpose in a clear and accessible way. I didn’t even know that I needed what he gave me and since working with him I feel like I am more fully capable of tackling the pieces of my business that were so overwhelming and foreign to me. He is a powerhouse of inspiration and holds the space of a true mentor and guide.
Angela Farmer ~ {{Inspirational Teacher of Yoga and Embodied Feminine Wisdom}}
Angela is my teacher of Yoga and everything that is the embodiment of feminine wisdom. The way she moves through this world is pure grace and love. She offers workshops around the world and with her husband in their home space of Lesvos, Greece.
Annapurna Living ~ {{Actress, Teacher, Seeker, Storyteller}}
Carrie-Anne creates beautiful and inspiring courses that guide you to deeper expansion within and without. I personally have taken Mother and experienced the Fierce Grace Collective twice. She is a humble and inspiring woman and I am grateful she walks in the world.
Lindsay Mack ~ {{Soul-Centered Tarot Teacher and Guide}}
Lindsay’s podcast, Tarot for the Wild Soul is nothing short of magic. Her language speaks to the raw truth seeker in me and her channeled wisdom offers a unique voice on magic, intuition and of course, tarot wisdom. She offers a variety of courses in tarot study which I highly recommend. I have been a student of tarot for over 2 decades and Lindsay has been instrumental in the way my own teachings and readings have transformed over the last 3 years.
The Moon is My Calendar ~ {{Artist, Creative Lunar Guide}}
April’s work is rooted in the wisdom of La Luna. I’ve been circling with the moon for my whole life and I love the way April breaks down the rhythm cycles and creates space for intuitive knowing to come through in your own innate creativity. She offers courses in Lunar Rhythm as well as a phenomenal calendar journal for tracking your days and ways.
Kristina Wingeier ~ {{Astrologer, Soul Counselor, Intuitive Guide}}
I love the way this woman sings her astro know-how. She breaks it down in the just the right way for this Gemini sun to take it in. Kristina offers courses in astrology as well as personal sessions to dive deep into your natal wisdom and life journey. Sign up for her newsletter and receive free astro reports right when it matters.
L. Glenise Pike ~ {{Author, Speaker, Educator}}
I have learned so much from this brilliant, caring and generous woman since I first found her on IG. Her character and her voice holds massive integrity and she leads us through a journey of change as she works compassionately and diligently to educate us on antiracism. There are many important voices out there working to educate us on white privilege and antiracism, but I’ve personally found L. Genise Pike and her company, Where Change Started to be my most valued resource in this work.
Sarah Durham Wilson ~ {{Author, Teacher, Soul Guide}}
Sarah is beloved heart medicine and deep, fleshed out wisdom. Having inspired thousands through her Doitgirl brand, she has since crossed the great Threshold of Mother and offers transformative teachings and guidance through some of the most essential and life-changing transitions of woman.
Banghan Kim ~ {{Healing Artist, Magic Maker, Wisdom Speaker}}
This woman speaks in the sensuous exploration of what it feels like to live life as truth in every moment. Her voice is desperately needed in this world as we seek to reclaim our innate knowing and embody the raw muck of our beautiful messy lives. Banghan’s art is liberating. Her jewelry creations are channeled to embrace and highlight the essence of the wearer. This woman’s hands are weavers of sun and moon, mud and water, blood and stardust.
Rachael Alaia ~ {{Artist, Writer, Oracle, Healing Alchemist, Land-Keeper}}
There is an incredible rawness about Rachael that moves past all the noise and poise that pervades many of our teachers and guides today. I find her to have a no nonsense/bullshit approach which really speaks to me to get right to the juicy bits and issues at hand. I’ve studied with Rachael through her direct work with Clarissa Pinkola Estés and look to her as a voice of truth in difficult times. Her work is grounded in study and experience and her gifts to the world are abundant.
Alexandria Sciarappa ~ {{Flower Essence Practitioner, Priestess, Heart Medicine Soul Guide}}
Alex is a shining star of a Priestess through and through. Her medicine is birthed from the divine feminine of woman and the fierce and nurturing nature of mother. Alex’s medium is flowers and she delivers to you essences to serve your body and spirit. A consultation with her will leave you ready to receive your own innate healing and ready to expand into your deepest magic.
Sati Chappelle ~ {{Spiritual Guide, Teacher, Psychic, Channeler}}
Sati has been in my life as a teacher and friend for over a decade and is the only yoga master that has ever guided me through a practice that culminated in astral projection (very unexpected and something I’ll always hold sacred!). Her lived experience has guided her path through profound, devotional practices and landed her deeply into her present work as a gifted Spiritual Teacher and Channeler of universal guidance and wisdom.
Lauren Carroll ~ {{Death Educator, Liminal Space Walker, Soul Priestess}}
I am constantly in awe of this beloved and over the years, we have been blessed to support one another in our budding visions for our work and our lives. Lauren taught me so much about the ceremony of death. When we first met, I had not yet experienced the impact that death would have in my life. I still harbored fear and anxiety around it, around loss and grief. She changed my whole outlook (and in-look) on death and I would not have been able to move through the deep initiations that death and grief bring if not for the knowing of her these many years and the love, guidance and wisdom that she poured so generously out of her big, beautiful heart. Lauren and her partner Erin offer amazing opportunities to deepen into death work and remember this part of life for the sacred (and natural/normal) rite of passage that it is.
If we have worked together or inspired one another and you would like to see your name listed above, please contact me. This is an ongoing work in progress and in no way meant to ever be complete. As mama time allows, I will continue to add to the page.
*inspired by The Chalice and the Blade, by Riane Eisler