
Shop the Witchery for sacred adornment, devotional tools and practical magic. Sign up for our musings to be the first to know about our seasonal collections of inspired witchcraft.


Let's stay connected, Wildhearts. I'm more often in the woods than on the web, but on occasion I weave seasonal musings through love letters to your inbox.

Intentional Art

When I'm not gathering the Witches, I'm weaving ink on skin. It's all Ceremony and if ritual tattoos stir your heart matter, visit me to learn more about the process.

I walk my path with wild, tender devotion.

I lead the same way.

I inspire women to tap into slow and simple witchcraft through meaningful and intentional living
to create a life of nourishing ritual and uncomplicated joy in the everyday.

Magic exists. It is within reach.
And it is yours to call home.



I will help you lift the veil

that clouds your vision to the everyday magic that lives in your extraordinary life.

I will walk with you as you infuse that magic into your daily living
to bring in more ease, purpose and joy.

I am a Witch and a Priestess.

I would be honored to serve as your guide into the mysteries as they show up in your own heart.




Brandi Woolf is the mother of three wild daughters and the partner of a magic man.
She is a champion of sisterhood and slow magic, and is devoted to the walk of Priestess.
Her soul work constellates through writing, making, and holding space for stories to unravel and bones to remember.
She believes that courage and vulnerability are necessary and that the stories of women can heal the world.
She wants to dance more, have more hope and less doubt, and is a devoted lover of the moon and chocolate cake.



Work with me

What the witches are saying...



Flower Essence Practitioner

Brandi is an utmost gift of a guide, a wayshower, sister, witch, and priestess. Words cannot fully express my deep gratitude for her witnessing, wisdom, laughter, holding of tears, guidance, and listening. Witch is so much more and different than I thought it would be. I forever give deep bows to Brandi and all my sisters in this blessed circle of Witch.



Marriage and Family Therapist

This companionship has been an utterly magical and transformative year of me being tapped into my soul’s knowing, tapped into the energy of nature with her cycles and seasons, tapped into archetypal energies of the collective unconscious, tapped into the richness inherent in the Feminine.



Founder, Lotus Sustainables

WITCH with Brandi is a beautiful, connective, magickal journey. It’s a place of healing. I can’t say enough about Brandi herself. She is so welcoming, empathetic and beautiful. She deeply cares about every sister in the collective and goes above and beyond to personally get to know each woman. She is available, loving and magic.